Town Services

Town of Granby entrance sign

Community Master Plans


A Community Master Plan or Comprehensive Plan serves as an advisory document, guiding the future growth and evolution of a community over the long term. Granby’s Comprehensive Plan outlines the Vision of the Granby community for the next 20 years. It sets the foundation for how the Town will operate in the future, based upon a set of identified goals and action items relating to future land use and development; community character; housing and economic development; parks, trails, and open space; multimodal circulation and transportation; community facilities and services; infrastructure; and resiliency. The Comprehensive Plan includes a robust Implementation Plan which identifies the prioritization of recommended action items from the plan and the anticipated timing and resources (financial, and non-financial) required to complete each action item. The overall goal of Granby’s Comprehensive Plan is to provide a “road map” that will help the community to continue to grow while maintaining and enhancing the Town’s status as a good place to live, work, and visit.