Agenda and Packet contain the following: Swearing in Elected Officials, Appointing Municipal Officers, Granby Ranch Bond Increase, NSA Water Plant SRF Update, Water Rate Sheets, Police Salary Plan, STR Fee Mitigation, Judges Pay, Nuche Village Construction Financing, Microtransit, Board Committee Assignments, BZA Appointments, Buckhorn Initial Acceptance Extension, and GEGID.
Agenda and Packet contain the following: GEGID, GEGID2, GWGID, and BOT budget approvals, public hearing for annexation, animal permit, Fraser to Granby trail alliance request, Proposition 122 ordinance, and initial acceptance of Granby Ranch (The Meadows Phase 1)
Agenda and Packet contain the following: Budget Workshop, Regulation of Natural Medicine Businesses Workshop, Oath of Office, Public Hearing for Annexation, NSA Water Treatment Plant Bid, Downtown Lot Design Update, GR Filing 13 Saddle Ridge Initial Acceptance, Big Valley Contract, L4 Construction Change Order, Employee Handbook Updates
Agenda & Packet contain the following: Vederra Contract, Destination Granby Update, Pet Pals Contract, Kaibab Park Stream Improvement Project, Conservation easement, More Housing Now Agreement, Town Property insurance, Staff Benefits, Consent Agenda & Committee & Staff Reports.
Packet contains: SGM Workshop; NSA WTP Final Plat; Parade of Lights Discussion; SGM Project Update: School District & PD Traffic Patterns; Safe Routes to school Discussion; Executech Agreement; Fire Restriction Ordinance, Liquor Ordinance; Consent Agenda; Committee & Staff Reports; Exec Session
Packet Contains the following:
GEGID Meeting with Minutes and Proxy Vote
BOT Meeting with Halfway Pathway Naming, Downtown Lot Draft Design, Mass Excavation Change Order, NSA WTP Change Order, Waiver of EMS Town Developer Costs, Resolution for petition of annexation, Ordinance for Concrete Washout, Consent Agenda, Committee & Staff Updates, Executive Session
Packet contains the following: Supplemental Appropriation, Final Plats and Final Plans The Meadows P2A & P2B, SIAs the Meadows P2A & P2B, Boulder Wall Safety Procedures, Pit Crushing Operation, Heavy Equipment Purchase, Garnet and High Discussion, Judge Salary Resolution, Fire Ban/Regulations Resolution, Finance /Treasure Interim, Consent Agenda and Committee & Staff Reports and Executive Session
Packet contains the following: Polhamus Park Permission for special event permit, PAC appts, FVHP appt, CML committee appt, EGSD IGA, EGSD IGA, Traffic guidelines, GE Irrigation Agreement, SUN Agreement, CDOT Easement Agreement, Summit at Granby Letter of Support, Change order, Fire Ban Resolution, Consent Agenda, Committee & Staff Reports.
Additional information added for Agenda Item No. 2 and Agenda Item No. 4.
Packet contains: Oath of office, Contractor RFP, public hearing for west granby minor subd, Fraser Valley Housing Authority appointment, Firearms ordinance, WSA Pump Repair, NSA Update, PC & Destination Granby appointments, Holiday schedule, Consent agenda, Committee & Staff Updates, Executive Session, GEGID Minutes & Eagle Ridge Lots for sale.
Packet contains the following: CUP Hearing; Appointment of Trustee; SB24-131; Consent Agenda & Committee & Staff Reports. - Addition of Police Report.
PACKET CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING: Ord No. 1001, Nuche Village; Kunkle Services, LLC; Ord No. 1002 Tobacco Products; Resolution 2024-06-25 CORA, Digital Accessibility Standards; Assignment Agreement; Consent Agenda; Committee & Staff Reports
Packet contains: WKSP Downtown parks Design Update; SGM Update; OLRTAC position; CHLT Extension; Colorado Main Street MOU; Nuche Village RFP; SIA GRF5B; Trustee resignation; Consent Agenda & Committee & Staff Reports
Packet contains the following: Workshop - Non-Sanctuary City Discussion; Audit, Oath of Office PD; Quarterly Update Destination Granby, PAC Downtown Art Discussion; Food Trucks discussion; CHLT Discussion; Executive Session; Consent Agenda; Committee & Staff Updates
Packet contains the following: Fraser River Channeling Project Update, Fencing Projects for SSA, New Truck for SSA, DOLA Transformational Affording Housing Grant, Resolution 2024-05-14A - WSA Rate Resolution; Municipal Government Janitorial Services Contract, HWY Workforce Housing Development Name, Paving Bid Award, Resolution 2024-05-14B - Election Contract, Consent Agenda, Committee & Staff Reports, Executive Session
Packet contains the following: Special Events Permit Permission Letter for Polhamus Park, NDA for emergency purposes, Highway 40 Housing Update, Access Road Bid Award, Sewer Maintenance Bid Award, Downtown Grant Awards, Consent Agenda, Committee & Staff Reports, Executive Session.
Packet contains the following:
Federal Mineral Estate Withdraw Discussion; WSA Turnover Discussion; Wildfire Council Update; Parks and Recreation RFP Discussion; HB24-1223; Town Clerk Discussion; Exec Session; rocky Mountain Workforce Housing LLC Agreement; Consent Agenda; Committee & Staff Updates.
LLA & BOT Agendas contain the following: WKSP - Fraser Channeling Project; LLA Minutes and Request; PD Awards; NSA Update; Financial Letter; Ord No. 998; Ord No. 999, Engineer RFQ; Consent Agenda; Committee & Staff Reports; Executive Session
Packet contains the following: Guide to House Priorities Workshop; Grand County Library District Update; Wildfire Council Update; Ord No. 997 - building code updates; escrow agreements with GRCO; Independent Contract Agreement; Consent Agenda & Committee & Staff Reports.
Packet contains the following: Contract Planner Selection; 1st Amend SIA - GRF8 P3; SIA GRF8 P4; Vacation of Water & Sewer Easements; Ord 996; General Fund transfer to NSA; SGM Rate Increase, 103 HWY 34 Rezoning County; Consent Agenda; Committee & Staff Reports
Packet contains the following: Donor Advised Fun, MOU Destination Granby, Sustainability Study, CORA Resolution, Building Code Ordinance, Wildcat Loadout Expansion, Consent Agenda and Committee & Staff Reports
Packet contains: Annual Posting Resolution, Pet Pals Location Discussion, Summit Housing Group Proposal, IGA & By Laws Resolution CIRSA, SSA Rate Study, SSA Resolution water and sewer rates, ARP Funding, Downtown Lots Design Award, Consent Agenda, Committee & Staff Reports