Town Services
Drinking Water Consumer Confidence Reports
Consumer Confidence Reports (CCRs), also known as Water Quality Reports, provide information about the quality of water the Town is providing for consumptive use. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires every community water supplier to provide these reports to their customers. Their purpose is to improve public health protection by providing education material allowing consumers to make educated decisions regarding any potential heath risks pertaining to the quality, treatment, and management of their drinking water supply.
Reports are submitted to the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment annually. Their Water Quality Control Division monitors and reports on the quality of state waters to prevent water pollution, protect, restore, and enhance the quality of surface and groundwater while ensuring that all drinking water systems provide safe drinking water.
CCRs will not be mailed individually as we are a small enough municipality to be exempt. They are available for viewing at Town Hall and online.
CCRs for one calendar year are published the following year (example, 2023's report will be published in 2024). Reports are labeled for the calendar year they represent.